


时间:2025-02-28 01:01:36 出处:综合阅读(143)

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前NBA球员JJ-雷迪克在Stephen A. Smith的节目”First Take“落选出了二心目中的同盟现役最难防守的球员前五:约基奇&字母哥并列第一  ,约基奇 ,员前约字库里,并列恩比德 ,第球杜兰特 。迷老其中约基奇的雷迪名字泛起了两次,而同为超巨的克评詹姆斯则遗憾落选,对于此 ,现役球迷们纷纭展现 :恩比德能排第四  ?尚有,最难詹詹姆斯呢?


bro put joel embiid at 4 when nic claxton effortlessly held him to 20 ppg guardable


Is 20ppg supposed to be bad?

[--]”可他老例赛场均33分 ,笑去世我了。“

he averaged 33 ppg LMAO

[4]”东契奇也理当在概况 ,尽管他这个赛季展现平淡,但简直不可能防住他 。“

Luka should be in there too. He had a mediocre season but dude is nearly impossible to guard.

[-]是的 。这个家伙打出了33/8/8的数据 ,被以为是一个重大的赛季。东契奇以及约基奇同样难以防守,由于他可能用良多方式患上分 ,能缔造机缘 ,能传球。

Yup. Guy does 33/8/8 and it’s considered a mediocre season. Luka is as tough to guard as Jokic as he can score in many ways, can create plays, can pass.

[--]”不那末强硬,但很挨近…约基奇身高7尺 ,做的使命以及东契奇根基同样。只是更难去防守他  。”

Not as tough but close .. Jokic is 7 foot doing basically the same thing as Doncic does .. it’s just harder to guard that


I didn’t know a player could be listed twice


That’s how awesome Jokic is

[--]“真怪异他居然把他并列第一 ,这会让人感应扬尼斯更难防 。”

It's weird he put him tied for first. It makes it seem like he thinks Giannis is harder to guard.

[10]“我以为字母哥已经一再被证实是很简略防守的 。”

I think giannis has been proven multiple times to be easy to defend

[-]“被谁 ?”

By who ?


Raptors and heat

[13]“利拉德 ,NBA唯逐个个既能拉扯又能解体防守的球员。”

Dame is the only player in the NBA that can both stretch & collapse a defense.

[-]“在这张图上 ,他以及库里的综合数据简直是同样的  ,库里三分争先一点点,而利拉德在开幕上争先一点点 。同盟中最佳的两个控卫 。”

him and steph have almost the same exact combined values on this graph, steph leading in 3PT by a bit, and dame leading in finishing by a bit. two of the best PG’s in the league

[--]“差距之处在于库里不每一每一突破。利拉德的突破率挨近库里的2倍。但库里还做了良多其余的使命 ,好比无球跑位等等 。无辅助的突破数据更能剖析下场。在掌握息争体防守方面  ,利拉德黑白常配合的。”

The differentiator is that Steph just doesn’t drive that often. Dame penetrates at close to a 2x rate as Steph. Steph does plenty of other things such as off ball gravity, etc. The drive unassisted stats are even more telling. Interms of Stretch & Collapse Dame is quite unique

[16]“字母哥 、杜兰特以及恩比德都可能被防守。我看到凯尔特人年复一年地这么做。可是雷迪克是高水平的球员,以是他说的残缺精确。”

Giannis, KD, and Embiid can all be guarded. I’ve seen the Celtics do it year after year. But JJ played at the highest level so he’s absolutely correct here

[-]“字母哥是最难防守的球员 。是的 ,假如你派3到4总体去对于字母哥,他是可能减速的 。但这表明他是最难防的球员之一。修筑这堵墙去防守他是有原因的。”

It is hardest players to guard. Yes giannis can be slowed if you send 3 or 4 people at him. But that just shows he is one of the hardest players to guard. The wall was created for a reason.

[--]“凯尔特人不需要这堵墙 。他们让霍福德以及罗威盯防他 ,无意尚有塔图姆协防 。每一次都实用 。恩比德也同样。”

Celtics don’t need a wall. They put Al and Rob on him, and sometimes Tatum. Works every time. Same for Embiid

[19]“不詹姆斯 ?杜兰特理当更高 ,欧文也理当在这个榜单上。”

No Lebron? And KD should be higher and Kyrie should be on this somewhere too

[-]“在他的高峰时期,他确定会在这个名单上  ,可是  ,是的 ,他正在变老,对于良多球员来说 ,他变患上更易防守了 。”

In his prime days, he'd definitely be on this list, but yeah, he is aging and has become easier to guard for a lot of players


